the ccmc story
The birth of the Church
In 1992, Methodist Girls' School (MGS) moved from Mount Sophia to Blackmore Drive in Bukit Timah. The then chaplain of MGS and also Pastor-in-Charge of Barker Road Methodist Church (BRMC) the Rev Dr. Ngoei Foong Nghian, mooted the idea to then MGS Principal Mrs. Anna Tham of starting a church within the school, to which she readily agreed.
The pastors (Rev Dr. Ngoei, Rev Lawrence T. C. Chua from BRMC, the Rev Kang Ho Soon and the Rev Noel Goh from Wesley Methodist Church), together with members from BRMC and WMC worked to raise up a congregation to start a Preaching Point in MGS. The inaugural worship service was conducted in the MGS Chapel on 10 Oct 1993. The Rev Chua was the pastor of the Preaching Point until July 1994, followed by The Rev Goh.
On 11 Sep 1994, the Preaching Point became a Local Conference—the 16th church to enter the Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC)—and was named Covenant Community Methodist Church. That day, 75 pioneer members were received, 28 by Baptism and Confirmation, 47 by Transfer.
The Rev Dr. Ngoei, who had first mooted the idea of the Preaching Point to Mrs Tham, became the first Pastor-in-Charge of CCMC on 1 Jan 1995. He believed then that CCMC would be God’s mission to MGS and those in the vicinity of Bukit Timah.
The congregation soon expanded and a second worship service (11am) started in January 1996. By 1999, the 9am Worship Service outgrew the Chapel and moved to the Auditorium at CCMC’s 5th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service (12 Sep 1999).
Currently, we have 5 worship services: a Contemporary Worship Service, a Traditional Worship Service, a Youth and Young Adults Service, a Korean-English Worship Service and a Mandarin Worship Service every Sunday. A lively and exuberant Children's Ministry is also active on Sundays.
The DIRECTION of the Church
Our founding members had prayed hard for direction. It was agreed that the church should be called: ‘Covenant Community Methodist Church’, based on Ephesians 2:19-22, emphasizing our Community in Covenant with God and each other.
CCMC is called to be a Gospel Lighthouse, ‘a Beacon of Truth and Light’. Our commitment to MGS remains. Beyond that, we long to be a Church which welcomes our nearby community to come and worship God with us.
We hope also to have small groups embedded in the housing estates around. By God’s grace, CCMC has recently launched the Korean and Japanese ministries, reaching our neighbours.
Beyond our vicinity, CCMC serves needy families in Sembawang through Sembawang Family Service Centre (SFSC).
In terms of missions, CCMC participates in missionary work through the Methodist Missions Society (MMS) in East Asia and Nepal; OMF in Thailand and YWAM in Singapore and France. CCMC wants to be a church that intentionally goes out to the needy and to the nations.
CCMC is committed to winning the Generations for Christ. CCMC’s Vision: ‘To Know God Deeply and Make Him Known Widely’.
Hence, ministry and community exist in CCMC for all generational levels: children, youth, young adults, men’s ministry, women’s ministry and the seniors ministry.
We want to reach the Nations and Generations for Christ. Will you come and serve God with us?
we affirm
The Church is of God,
and will be preserved to the end of time,
for the conduct of worship
and the due administration of God's Word and Sacraments,
the maintenance of Christian fellowship and discipline,
the edification of believers,
and the conversion of the world.
All, of every age and station,
stand in need of the means of grace which it alone supplies.
(UMC Hymnal, 1993)
Covenant Community Methodist Church is where people can come together to experience God’s love in Christ.