“If you make my Word your home, you will indeed be my disciples.” John 8:31, The New Jerusalem Bible
It is the hope and desire of D&N to help our congregation to grow in spiritual maturity building on the firm foundation of God’s Word.
Some of us may be looking for short-term book studies, some more in-depth reading of the bible, some may want to reinforce the sermon message with other Growth Group members.
D&N ministry aims to empower and equip you to be disciples of Christ with the following initiatives:

Walk Through The Bible
Bible reading programme for both the young & mature in faith – anyone who wants to know God’s Word.
Typically, each book study will be between 4-8 weeks
Keys To Understanding Scripture: Exploring New Testament Literary Genres (Click HERE to register)
Learn how to read, interpret, and apply the Bible for yourself. This short course by Dr Calvin Chong will equip you with the skills you need to read the New Testament with insight and understanding.
Talk Through The Sermons
Listen & discuss sermon messages – resources available to aid Growth Groups to discuss, reflect and apply the sermon message
DISCIPLE Programme
Go deeper into God’s Word & let the Holy Spirit transform you. This Bible study programme has 4 stages, with each stage lasting 32 to 34 weeks. Anyone who desires to know God’s Word and are prepared to set aside time to complete the weekly reading are welcome to embark on this rewarding journey although participants need to complete the DISCIPLE I foundation study before they can register for DISCIPLE II, III & IV. Participants are encouraged to complete Disciple 1, 2, 3 & 4 studies in chronological order.
DISCIPLE I: Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study (Click HERE to Register)
Are you thirsting for God’s Word? Do you wish to know God better, to know how He has shaped man and history since the beginning of time to the New Jerusalem?
Come and join us at DISCIPLE 1 which gives the Old and New Testament equal emphasis, focusing on the wholeness of the Bible as a revelation of God. It is a 34-week programme that aims to develop believers to live as committed disciples of Jesus.
DISCIPLE III: Remember Who You Are
This 32-week in-depth study of the prophets and the letters of Paul, focusing on the connection between memory and identity as the people of God. There are several themes in the study — the call to remember; the call to repentance; the need for renewed vision; and the place of community. These themes reflect the scriptures wherein the prophets and Paul are continually calling hearers and readers back to their God and to a sense of who they are as a people “set apart”. Hence the Marks of Obedient Community each week echo the demand of the Prophets and Paul to put God first.
DISCIPLE IV: Under The Tree Of Life
This 32-week programme study in-depth the Old Testament writings, the Gospel of John, and the epistles of John, James, Jude and Revelation. The emphasis on the Psalms in the study as Israel’s hymn and prayer book leads participants to a sense of worship. Present throughout the entire study is a sense of living toward completion — toward the climax of the message and the promise, extravagantly pictured in the book of Revelation.
Companions in Christ (CIC)
CIC is a 28-session journey that will draw participant into spending time with God daily through individual reading and reflection, and will gather participants weekly with others for deeper exploration through some combination of scripture reading, spiritual practice, reflection questions, and journaling.
This is one of the most versatile and comprehensive series available in area of spiritual formation, drawing on the full breadth of the Christian tradition to learn to listen to God through it, and what it means to practise the presence of God; and to grow together with fellow participants as a Christian community.