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(한인 사역)

OUR VISION (우리의 비전)

Our vision for CCMC Korean Ministry is to be a sanctuary as comforting and welcoming as an airport lounge - a place where individuals gather and form connections before taking off on their own personal journeys.

We envision CCMC Korean Ministry as an essential part of the local church community. We aim to foster harmony and unity to serve the community around us here in Bukit Timah and beyond.

Should anyone in your vicinity be seeking a community that nurtures faith, compassion, and service, we warmly welcome you to introduce them to CCMC Korean Ministry!

싱가포르는 만남과 이별이 공존하는 곳입니다. CCMC(커버넌트 커뮤니티 감리교회) 한인 사역의 비전은 공항 라운지 같은 환경을 제공하는 것입니다. 여행을 떠나기 전 모여 쉼을 얻고 서로 정보를 나누고 연결되어 다음 목적지로 향하도록 돕는 것입니다.

CCMC 한인 사역은 로컬 교회 공동체와 하나의 공동체가 되는 것을 우선으로 합니다. 이 곳 부킷티마를 넘어 지역 사회에 봉사하기 위해 로컬 교회 공동체와 연합하고 화합합니다.

여러분 주변과 이웃 중에 로컬분들과 함께 믿음 생활을 하고, 서로 도우며 섬기는 공동체를 찾고 있는 분이 있으시다면 우리 CCMC 한인 사역을 소개해 주시기 바랍니다!



No Korean-English Services on 1st Sunday
On the 1st Sunday of every month, we will attend the English Worship Service to worship and partake in Holy Communion as one CCMC Family. Please attend the main service at MGS Auditorium on these Sundays:​

  • 6 Apr 2025 | 9am & 11am English Worship Service | MGS Auditorium L1 & L3

CCMC's Korean Ministry conducts a Korean-English Worship Service. Open to all, all are welcome!

Korean-English Worship Service

Venue: MGS Level 2, Mindspace Room

Time: 10.30am

Come and join our CCMC Korean-English bilingual worship service! A warm welcome awaits Koreans and local friends at this international congregation.


We meet every Sunday except the first Sunday of the month to worship, praise God and listen to His Word. Enjoy warm fellowship and light snacks after. All visitors are welcome!

CCMC's Korean Ministry conducts a Kids Ministry session.

Korean Ministry Kids (KM Kids)

Venue: MGS Level 2, Think Tank Room​

Time: 10.30am

We welcome kids 2 years and up to our KM Kids (Sunday School). Children gather for a lively, session of Songs & Praise, Bible Story Telling, Bonding games, and activities.


The activities are conducted mainly in English and the occasional Korean. Kids rejoin their parents at Mindspace Room after for a lovely fellowship as one family.

We hope to help KM Kids' know God and His love for us, to grow up with a strong relationship with God.

CCMC's Korean Ministry conducts a Basic English Class (BEC) for Korean people living in Singapore.

Basic English Class

The Basic English Class is offered to Koreans living in Singapore who want to learn English for everyday social situations.

The BEC is a warm, lively, interactive environment that provides a wonderful opportunity for students to make new friends, Koreans and locals alike.

BEC classes are opened to intakes twice a year. To find out more, contact Rev Joheun Park at 9721-1021.

CCMC's Korean Ministry conducts a Korean-English service in Blackmore Drive.

Bible Study in English (BSE)

This course shares God’s story as is told in the Bible, from His creation of the world, the origin and fall of man, to God’s redemptive plan, and how we may discover and experience HIs wonderful plan for our lives.


It is an exciting learning time that is much enriched by students’ sharing and listening to each other’s personal stories.

CCMC's Korean Ministry conducts Sik Gu, where friends and family gather to worship God together as one ministry.

식구(Sik Gu) Fellowship

This is a official fellowship where Koreans and Singaporeans regularly gather together to eat, pray and socialise.

Come fellowship with us! We welcome everyone from all walks of life.


Please contact Rev Joheun Park at 9721-1021 to get started.

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